Lori Drexel
February 2021
Emergency Department
Pottstown Hospital - Tower Health




Most importantly, Lori held and rubbed my hand. I can't begin to explain how important that was for me, being by myself and not having any of my loved ones with me she kept me calm and made me feel like I was not alone.
I was brought in by ambulance to Pottstown Hospital a little after midnight. I was having a miscarriage that I knew was going to happen, however, something was very wrong, I was hemorrhaging pretty bad and losing a lot of blood. I was in shock and very afraid. I was scared I would need a hysterectomy and lose my chance of having more children, even more, I was very afraid of losing my life. I kept asking all the nurses and doctors to please not let me die. I have my husband and two young children at home. My mother was not answering her phone and my husband was at home with the kids so I was at the hospital all by myself. I could feel the blood pouring out of me. I was shaking so bad, I kept getting dizzy like I was going to lose consciousness. Every time my blood pressure dropped, my body could feel it. Lori kept talking to me, she told me they would not let me die. She had me talk about my kids, and kept asking questions about them. She let me know what was going on as the situation progressed. She tried to keep me as comfortable as possible. Most importantly, she held and rubbed my hand. I can't begin to explain how important that was for me, being by myself and not having any of my loved ones with me she kept me calm and made me feel like I was not alone. To let you know how dire the situation was, I lost so much blood from hemorrhaging that I needed a blood transfusion. After that, I was transferred to Reading Hospital so I could be assessed by a gynecologist. All of the staff that saw me that night were very good to me, but it was the kindness, compassion, and nurturing of Lori that night that will always stick with me. I will be forever grateful for her being on the late night shift that night.