Lorlyn Dela Cruz
July 2021
VA Pacific Islands Health Care System
United States




She asked him if there was something he'd like to eat and he said, "Big Mac."
I started working at the VA at the end of 2019. It was difficult learning the VA system but Lorlyn took a lot of her time to assist and guide me. We work together in the Community Nursing Home Program and oversee the care of the Veterans in the contracted nursing homes. Over the past year, I have witnessed how caring and supportive she is of our Team and the Veterans we care for. Lorlyn has always gone above and beyond in overseeing our Veterans. I've seen her put in long hours working hand-in-hand with the nursing home staff to make sure our Veterans are well taken care of. She easily communicates with the nursing home staff family and our Team in what needs to be done. One example that sticks out is a Veteran who was not eating and was very depressed. She asked him if there was something he'd like to eat and he said, "Big Mac." The next day she bought a Big Mac meal and went to the nursing home to feed him. He had the biggest smile on his face and ate almost the entire burger! She's even visited a Veteran weekly who was having a rough time adjusting to a nursing home. He was so grateful for her visits and cried when he was discharged home. There are so many unrecognized things that she has done. She always says she doesn't need to be recognized but I feel that everyone should at least be acknowledged for the wonderful work they do.