Lorraine Pollard
August 2015
Carroll Hospital
United States




Today around 4:30pm, Lorraine goat a random phone call on the Voalte line from someone from the community. He was saying he was going to kill himself repeatedly and he would do it by hanging himself. Lorraine stopped everything she was doing and talked him out of hanging himself. She kept him on the line and got his information, name, address and phone number. She hung up with him and called police and reported it giving them the information he gave her. They sent the police to his house. Lorraine called the person back and kept him on the line so he wouldn't harm himself until the police showed up. About 10 minutes had passed and the police did show up and she talked to them. The police handled everything from this point. With all of this taking place during her shift, she managed to save a life outside of the hospital.