Luis Polanco
June 2023
Medical Surgical floor - 4South
Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital
Vero Beach
United States




Luis then cared for my dad for several days. He spoke to my dad like a person – they shared stories and Luis humanized a terrifying and demeaning process.
My dad had dementia/delusions and was refusing dialysis (after 1.5 years), insulin monitoring, meds, and labs. He did not want to be touched. Luis was not my dad’s nurse, but the only person in the hall when my dad needed the commode. Luis came in and was greeted with a mess which he kindly cleaned up and bathed my dad. During that encounter, he used humor to build trust with my dad. They shared a name with different spelling and joked about who spelled it correctly. Luis then cared for my dad for several days. He spoke to my dad like a person – they shared stories and Luis humanized a terrifying and demeaning process.

Luis demonstrated kindness and immense patience. He listened and interpreted disconnected thoughts to understand and act on my dad’s needs.

For Luis, my dad took some medications, labs, and insulin. HE made a difference! He communicated with family and gave my mom a big hug when he knew they wouldn’t see her again.

I will never forget and cannot adequately express my gratitude, for the exceptional care Luis provided that eased my dad’s journey in his final days.