Lynda Nagel
May 2022
LPN, Certified Wellness Coach
Women's Health Primary Care
VA Puget Sound Health Care System-American Lake Division
United States




Lynda has taken it upon herself to create a holiday tree for our lobby. Each holiday she will decorate it with vibrant colors and lights.
There are not enough examples to describe Linn’s contributions to her Veterans and her team! Four examples stick out on how she embodies the I CARE principles. She is true to her word, a team-player and bulldog for her patients:

1- One of our Veterans was WC bound and post-surgical. They had sustained a lower extremity fracture and required both laboratory and pharmacy services after their appointment. We attempted to call the transport team but they did not respond. Lynda without hesitating and knowing the need, volunteered to wheel the patient from BLDG 2 to building 81, stayed with him through pharmacy draw, and assisted for safety for a urine sample and then brought the Veteran to the pharmacy. She showed true commitment and advocacy for this Veteran and ensured they got the follow-up care and workup they needed.

2 - Taking care of female Veterans requires both competent and trauma-informed care. As an Veteran herself, Lynda is an advocate and voice for those who step into our clinic. On more than one occasion, Lynda has sat and let a Veteran explore their trauma with her after doing PTSD and Depression screenings. She provides compassion and resources but more importantly a believing ear. We have lost so many of our female sisters due to not being believed and Lynda ensures that no female Veteran will ever feel that way again when under her care. During intimate exams, she stands next to vulnerable Veterans and acts as their voice if she feels they are uncomfortable or nervous. This level of advocacy demonstrates genuine commitment, respect, and excellence in her care and nursing ability.

3 - One of the Veterans on our panel is housing insecure. During the December snow storm, Lynda tirelessly called this Veteran who was living in their car to ensure they were not in imminent danger. Our entire team was concerned but she took on ensuring their safety was confirmed showing commitment, advocacy, and excellence.

4 - Morale, is an often overlooked entity in patient care. On these dark and gloomy days of a PNW winter and two years into Covid-19 some of our Veteran’s (and staff) hearts are a little more heavy. Lynda has taken it upon herself to create a holiday tree for our lobby. Each holiday she will decorate it with vibrant colors and lights. For Valentine’s Day it was beautiful mix of reds and pinks and hearts. It now stands proud and clocked with green for St. Patrick’s Day with some Marti Gras masks. Several Veterans have remarked on how this has brightened their day, truly there is something about the holiday spirit that evokes feelings of love and belonging. This act shows advocacy, commitment and excellence.