December 2020
Augustana University




Dr. Lynn White was nominated by students and faculty who had the following comments: "Lynn is not only a professor, but she demonstrates what it means to be an advocate. She is passionate about teaching students the skills and knowledge in nursing - but sets an example of the ethical implications and the weight behind being a nurse. She does this by being intentional with her students, by reaching out to them, providing a safe space, and encouraging us to be the best we can even if we feel like we can't. She believes in us when we don't even believe in ourselves. I am blessed to have her as a professor. She truly goes above and beyond. I know that I am not only speaking for myself but on behalf of so many other students when I say that Lynn has had our backs in ways we could never have imagined. She is immaculate at what she does, and deserves to be recognized for her intelligence, hard work, and for her heart."
This last comment says it best. A colleague wrote: "When I think of the Augustana University Advantage, I think of Lynn White. She is an amazing leader, mentor, and colleague. Thank you for helping all of us to continue to think positive and put our best foot forward for our students, the profession, and for Augustana."