Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez Yeverino
May 2022
Ma. Guadalupe
Rodríguez Yeverino
Adult Intensive Care Unit
TecSalud, San Jose and Zambrano Hellion Hospitals
Nuevo León




​​​​​​​Between the case of my father and mine, there are 15 years of difference, and Lupita was there, in both moments, supporting and making a big difference with her good manner and her human quality.
In life, you meet people who make your path friendlier and that is appreciated, especially when you go through adversity. My dad had a difficult road at the end of his life, after having undergone a kidney transplant, he suffered a stroke that took him to the San José hospital. There we met Lupita Rodríguez, an intensive care nurse, who treated him as part of the medical team; she stood out for her attitude, professionalism, and dedication. As time went by, my dad was discharged with many health complications, but we were fortunate to have Lupita to support us in caring for him at home with all the care that Lupita showed at the hospital, always giving her best and seeking at all times that my father had the best possible quality of life even in those circumstances.

She was with us the night that unfortunately, because of all those complications, my dad passed away. I found out I got COVID-19, and my situation worsened to the point of being admitted to the San José Hospital. Intubated, I spent very difficult weeks in the intensive care unit, under strict medical care and obviously without the possibility that my family could have access to see me. During this situation, one fine day my family received a call from someone who offered them support through the “Close to You” program of TecSalud, to our surprise that person was Lupita, and after so much time our paths coincided again. Her love for others was once again evident, thanks to her and the rest of the team a communication link was generated between my family and me during my stay in the hospital, through video calls and messages, that support was invaluable in maintaining calm and faith in such difficult times, like the ones we went through until I was finally discharged and today, I could write all this to you.

Between the case of my father and mine, there are 15 years of difference, and Lupita was there, in both moments, supporting and making a big difference with her good manner and her human quality. We were certainly lucky to find her again. There are those who call them coincidences or causalities, in any case, it is about people you meet in life and, as I said at the beginning, they make your path friendlier in the face of adversity and that, that is always appreciated.