MacKenzie Geyer
June 2023
Coronary Intensive Care Unit
Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center
United States




We questioned why she would thank us, and she explained that caring for our father and seeing the respect we had for her as a critical caregiver renewed her spirit and reminded her of why she got into nursing in the first place. Saying that if she could bring a smile to a person who was in as bad of a condition as our father, even for a short time, it was all worth it.
My dad was rushed to St. Luke's Medical Center -Milwaukee in cardiac arrest. He was immediately admitted to the Cardiac ICU, where his clinician provided a diagnosis of little hope. Dad's heart was failing and operating at 20%, but due to his advanced age, surgery wasn't an option. Dad feared the end was near and he'd pass in the ICU. That day, he met this nurse who was one of the nurses caring for him during his stay. They immediately formed a connection, as she assured him he would be well taken care of and all hope wasn't lost. For the next few days, he and her would share jokes and have conversations about whatever was top of mind. They talked about TV shows, families, and careers. She shared personal stories of her own and, like any dad, he gave her advice. As the days passed, Dad was getting better and had a renewed sense of life. We believe she provided the hope he needed. I recall visiting Dad when he shared, "I know I only have one daughter, but she seems like a daughter to me". Ironically, as a result of her care, Dad was fearful of leaving the ICU. He was terrified to leave the floor but realized he was no longer critical, and the move was inevitable. Dad's progression slowed upon leaving the ICU, however, a bright spot of his day was visits from her before/after her shift. Dad repeatedly thanked her for the care he was given and his renewed sense of life. She replied, "No, I should be thanking you for reminding me of the reasons I became a nurse." Apparently, she had been having a few tough weeks losing patients, and Dad helped by renewing her spirit.

We lost our dear father in June. Although we're still mourning his loss, we learned she planted a memorial tree in his memory and included the following passage on the St. Luke's Tribute Wall: "Thank you for having such an impact on me and everyone else around you. The world is a better place because of you!" At a time when we had to trust the care of our father to a stranger, God blessed us with her. She understood the importance of treating the whole patient -- physical and emotional. Her knowledge, compassion, and spirit are commendable, as she truly embodies exemplary nursing skills. We believe in our hearts that Dad would've passed in the ICU had he not met her. God bless her, and please consider her for The DAISY Award.


She provided incredible nursing support to my father during his extensive stay in the ICU @ St. Luke's Hospital. Her nurturing and empathetic approach with consistent follow-up was so greatly appreciated by him and the family. In addition, her proactive, solution-orientated way of working was needed to meet the physical and medical demands of my father's grave condition. She was an active and attentive listener while always providing updates to the family on the nursing support she was providing. She was easily approachable and cared for my father like she would one of her own loved ones. My father was a tremendous judge of character, and he had personally told each of my brothers and sisters that he would not have made it through the ICU without her as his lead nurse. Due to the quality of care that she provided to my father, we were able to have four more months on earth with him. This led to a discharge from the Aurora St. Luke's Hospital and arrival for him back at his home in Milwaukee, where he lived for an additional time before passing at home, which was his ultimate wish. I am confident in saying if it was not for her, this wish may not have come true. The family cherished those 4 further months with our father, and it is a time we will never forget. She made this dream a reality. We are indebted to her service for it! One request that I have, and the request of my late father, is to do the honor of having her receive a DAISY Award! Thank you for your support and consideration. It is so greatly appreciated! She keeps the fire burning bright for the quality of care and service you provide patients. They need you now more than ever!!!!!


My father was admitted to the CICU mid January and she was one of his amazing nurses. To say that she went above and beyond to care for my dad is an understatement. Never did my dad feel like just another patient on her caseload. She truly engaged with my dad, asking him stories about his life and often sharing many about her own. As sick as my dad was, his face would light up when she entered his room. She was never too busy to answer the hundreds of questions my family and I had regarding my dad's condition. Her love and compassion exuded in everything she did for my dad. Even when he was moved to another floor, she occasionally stopped by to check on his health, well-being, and spirit. There is no doubt in my mind that she was an instrumental part of my dad's recovery. Her love and devotion to her job helped my dad leave that hospital and live an additional five months with us at home. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. St. Luke's Medical Center is lucky to have you...and so was my dad.


My father was admitted mid-January 2023 through the ED after suffering a heart attack. He was, as the Drs told us, in very grave condition that morning, and we were told to prepare for the worst. Dad hung on and was moved to the critical cardiac care unit. All of the Drs and nurses were wonderful and compassionate towards our father and our family, but I would like to single out one particular nurse who we all felt had that little extra. She was so caring and authentic with her care of Dad that we couldn't believe an angel like her existed. We thanked her over and over for her care of Dad and her listening skills and explanations of things we didn't understand, making us feel like healthcare aides in the process. You should have seen our father as sick as he was light up anytime, she came into the room. At one point, I think he even contemplated not telling anybody that he improved even a little bit for fear of being removed from the floor with her and her colleagues. Slowly, Dad did improve, and he was moved to another floor for continued care. After saying goodbye to her and the other wonderful nurses on the floor, we thought we would never cross paths with her again, but to our amazement, several days later, she popped in to check on Dad and brought a giant smile to his face. As we walked her down the hall and we thanked her for stopping, she stopped and thanked us. We questioned why she would thank us, and she explained that caring for our father and seeing the respect we had for her as a critical caregiver renewed her spirit and reminded her of why she got into nursing in the first place. Saying that if she could bring a smile to a person who was in as bad of a condition as our father, even for a short time, it was all worth it. Our family would like to nominate her for the St. Luke's DAISY award. As I write this, we are mourning the loss of our father in June 2023. We had five great months to spend time with him after that trip to the hospital in January, and we know it wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful care of this nurse and the entire team at Aurora St. Luke's.


My husband was in the Cardiac ICU for two weeks with his heart pumping at 20%. She demonstrated deep compassion and tender care administering to his fragile condition. Patiently, she answered our many questions with clarity and precision daily. She gave hugs when there were tears and eased our anxiety with cheerful optimism. Rarely was the call nurse button pressed since she constantly checked on his condition. With the biggest smile that lit up the ICU room, she made us feel comfortable. With a twinkle in her eyes, she laughed at his silly jokes and shared a couple of her own. She explained and modeled future home-hospice care techniques. She is the world's biggest cheerleader and most amazing nurse who will receive a gold crown to put at the feet of Jesus Christ. She is a "Real Crown Jewel".