Madeleine D Chapman
June 2023
Madeleine D
Abbott Northwestern Hospital
United States




Her skill in maintaining an increasingly unstable patient in order to preserve their opportunity to donate saved four other lives this week—all while maintaining the dignity and humanity of our deceased donor. We view all of our donors as heroes, and I also view Maddie as a hero for her instrumental role in making the miracle of donation happen.
I'm an organ donation coordinator with Lifesource, the organ procurement organization (OPO) that covers Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. I recently had the opportunity to witness the care that Maddie provided to a 44-year-old donor we served at Abbott Northwestern Hospital.

Maddie provided above-and-beyond phenomenal care to this donor and their family, all while knowing that the patient was likely already brain-dead.

Maddie acted with integrity and provided dignity as she prepared the family to receive the incredibly difficult news that their loved one was brain dead by sharing appropriate information about the pending diagnosis- that the head CT results and neurological exam, for example, were very concerning to the team as indications of likely severe brain injury.

Maddie made sure that this family felt heard, seen and respected while earning their confidence in her care of their loved one. Maddie was coordinating complex ICU care (including the involvement of multiple medical service lines such as ICU physicians, neurologists, nephrologists, and more) of this very sick donor while also caring for the donor's family on the day they first arrived to the hospital to see their loved one (the donor).

Maddie made it possible for us to approach this family to offer organ donation as an end-of-life care option for their loved one.  Through her excellent care in keeping the donor stable while also preparing the family to make end-of-life decisions, Maddie made it possible for that donor to give the gift of life by donating their heart, liver, and both kidneys to recipients in desperate need of life-saving organ transplants.

Maddie cared for this donor for three shifts. Her skill in maintaining an increasingly unstable patient in order to preserve their opportunity to donate saved four other lives this week—all while maintaining the dignity and humanity of our deceased donor. We view all of our donors as heroes, and I also view Maddie as a hero for her instrumental role in making the miracle of donation happen.

Without Maddie, this donor would not have been able to make it to their donation surgery. I've never worked with a nurse more deserving of recognition.

Working in this tri-state area (MN, ND, and SD) as a donation coordinator and board-certified critical care RN, I've had the opportunity to meet thousands of nurses over the course of my career thus far. Maddie Chapman stands out for all the best reasons.