Madison Chapman
March 2022
8C-General Surgery
Allegheny General Hospital
United States




The difference with Madison was her level of human care.
Madison was only my nurse for 12 hours ( I tried to stretch it to 16 but she was tired). Had I could've I would've made it that way my whole stay. There are good nurses and average nurses during my time here for almost a week. Madison was very good but not just that, there was something different about her. Having been in her care early on was kind of not fair for the others because now this was kind of expected per se. She set the bar high. This "level" of attention and healthcare was matched by a few. The difference with Madison was her level of human care. By the time our short 12 hours were over, I felt like she was a friend who really cared about me. It is almost natural, well IT IS natural in her. It's an unlearned quality that can be natural to a person but she listened, laughed, smiled, and cared all while doing her job efficiently. That's a special quality in a person. One where a person can't help but smile whether inside or out when she walks in.