Madison Hartman
June 2022
Intensive Care Unit
Lutheran Main Hospital of Fort Wayne Indiana
Fort Wayne
United States




Madi shared several meaningful conversations with them about their individual lives.
During a patient’s lengthy stay here at Lutheran, he and his wife met many wonderful employees. Madi, however, stood out to them. During her shifts with this couple, Madi shared several meaningful conversations with them about their individual lives. The patient’s wife specifically remembered a deep conversation about the holidays and their family traditions as well as how COVID affected those things. “She went on to tell us about how she had some regrets about not appreciating the traditions her parents went through for her as a youngster,” the patient stated, “A young girl who cares, understands, and appreciates- at such a young age… We thought it was a lost art!” They went on to say that if there was a Department of Learning Empathy, they would nominate Madi to head the National Council. The DAISY Committee was proud to recognize Madi for her kind spirit and the powerful connections she makes with her patients.