Makenzie West
July 2020
Women's Oncology
UH Seidman Cancer Center
United States




Makenzie stayed with me holding my hand the entire time to make sure I was okay.
I found out the scariest news of my life about 3 weeks ago. I am not from Cleveland but had to be transported here to UH Center a few days ago. Coming to the hospital and staying during COVID-19 has put so much stress on me. Being away from my family during this difficult time is the hardest part. Makenzie went above and beyond for me. I had to have a PICC line put in and I really dislike needles. Makenzie stayed with me holding my hand the entire time to make sure I was okay. I remember she had to leave early that day and I was on my way to have a procedure and she waited for me to return just to make sure it all went well. Thank you so much, Makenzie, you are really my hero!