November 2017
Florida State University, College of Nursing
United States




Lauren Schoneck, an alumna of the College of Nursing nominated faculty member Dr. Mandy Bamber.  Lauren shared the following "Dr. Bamber not only carries an exceptional knowledge base in nursing but she connects with her students on a personal level that creates the best learning environment for students. Nursing school can be intimidating, but Dr. Bamber makes it easier to adjust. I had the great pleasure of having Dr. Bamber my first semester in foundations skills lab. I felt like I didn't know as much as I should or wasn't performing as well as I should. Dr. Bamber reassured me that I was doing everything that was expected. I didn't even have to tell her I wasn't feeling confident. She recognized, and her kind, genuine words put my fear at ease and I was ultimately successful in the course. She continued to go above and beyond to make me feel comfortable with my performance. The skills she taught me stuck with me in the clinical setting and in my job today. She's a huge reason I was successful in clinicals and also why I'm successful in my orientation (according to my preceptors) at my new job at the #15 hospital in the entire country. She always had an open door if I needed anything, even through semesters when I didn't have her as an instructor. She selflessly, without hesitation, wrote me a reference for my first RN position at an extremely competitive new grad residency program. She's part of the reason I got that job and I couldn't be happier. She even opened her home to me post-graduation. I know that she will continue to be a part of my life even though my time at FSU CON has ended. I love Dr. Bamber as family and I feel incredible grateful that I was taught by one of the smartest and kindest instructors in my entire college career. I know if I have any questions, she will be there to answer them like she always did while I was in nursing school. Thanks Dr. Bamber for making my nursing school experience one of the best. Thanks for being my brain sometimes. It's instructors like her that make nursing students successful. That personal connection makes all the difference."