Marcelina Bilombele
November 2023
Research Medical Center
Kansas City
United States




During the day, I felt close enough to her that I expressed my fears about my upcoming surgery. She acknowledged my feelings and shared her experience with the same procedure, which helped me immensely.
This nurse took care of me on the first day that I was admitted. She immediately made a great first impression by making sure that all my needs were met after receiving report in my room. Throughout the day, she checked on me often, shared stories about her life, and allowed me to do the same. During the day, I felt close enough to her that I expressed my fears about my upcoming surgery. She acknowledged my feelings and shared her experience with the same procedure, which helped me immensely. Towards the end of the day, she told me that she would be off the next day, so I thanked her for being a great nurse. I was very delighted and assured when I saw her the next morning. It gave me great comfort that she was going to take care of me for a second day. As she did on the previous day, she checked on me often and was dedicated to controlling my pain. My surgery was scheduled for later that morning. I told her that I was fearful about being intubated and of the future pain the surgery would cause. She assured me that she would continue to monitor and address my pain after surgery. She then offered to pray with/for me! She got down on her knees so that we were at eye level and held my hand as she prayed for my safe surgery and healing. It was an act of love toward her career and our faith. I have never had a nurse pray with me, it was so touching. I will be discharged today, and she is my nurse again. I will be forever grateful for her compassion.