Reveca Hedrick
March 2021
Maria R
Emergency Room
Coffeyville Regional Medical Center
United States




Reveca was with this family to the end, a family she did not know prior to meeting them in our ER, and went above and beyond to make this heartbreaking situation as easy as possible for them.
Throughout the time I've worked alongside Reveca she has been an incredible example of what it means to be a nurse dedicated to both her patients and her hospital. Reveca is always willing to help in any way, no task is ever too big or too small. No question is ever treated as ignorant and is always answered with either a simple explanation or even better- a hands-on demonstration. She is always willing to float to other departments and even goes so far as to change between night and day shift to lend a hand when needed.

One of my favorite things about Reveca happens to be just part of who she is - she is bilingual. We see multiple Spanish only speaking patients in this hospital and with the help of their families as translators or use of the language line we all do our best to break through the language barrier, but it is clear that oftentimes they don't fully understand what is being said, or they often have more questions and aren't able to fully express them, many times out of just politeness our patients will nod and say yes making it unclear if they truly understand or are just being pleasant.

Last year, a patient and his wife presented to the ER after being given a terminal diagnosis by another doctor. The wife spoke broken English and acted as a translator for her husband but it was clear that they did not fully grasp the information that was given to them at their last appointment and had come looking for answers and help with his discomfort. Thanks to Reveca the ER physician was able to clearly explain to the patient and his wife both his prognosis and options available for comfort. Reveca then took things a step further and contacted a priest for the family since they were not local, she visited with them multiple times throughout the weekend while they were in another department, prayed with them, and stayed with the patient while the wife went to tend to her children at home. Other nurses caring for the patient would call for Reveca whenever they needed assistance translating and she would immediately make time to go and help. She was with this family to the end, a family she did not know prior to meeting them in our ER, and went above and beyond to make this heartbreaking situation as easy as possible for them.

This is just one of many examples of situations where Reveca has gone above and beyond for patients in a way that only she could. I know she probably does not think twice about being a voice for patients but I know it makes a world of difference to the patients who are finally able to be heard and understood.