Marie Pennington
March 2020
United States




When you win a "Save the Brain" award from your hospital, it's a good sign you may also become a DAISY Award Winner.
TaleMed ICU nurse Marie Pennington earned her DAISY Award after taking quick action when she realized a patient of hers may have suffered a stroke.
The patient was in the hospital under Marie's care in the ICU, recovering from a recent stroke. She'd been recovering well with no neurological deficits and starting a new physical therapy regimen. However, during the first PT session, Marie recognized that her patient wasn't answering the therapist's questions. Going to her patient's side, Marie quickly determined she was experiencing neurological changes.
She called in the stroke team who sent the patient for CT scans. The results showed a worsening blood clot that had caused a second stroke. Her hospital's neurological team recognized Marie for her intervention, which minimized brain damage and saved her patient's life.
"Marie's quick alertness, assessment, notifications, and immediate intervention minimized damage."
She earned the hospital's "Save the Brain" award. Always here to help people.
"Everyone at the hospital loves her. They really appreciate the knowledge and inquisitiveness she brings to every task."