Marie Senat-Belkacemi
May 2024
Long Island SPU
Hospital for Special Surgery
New York
United States




Marie was so caring
I have been a nurse for 47 years and have always prided myself on being a caring and compassionate nurse. In 2007, I suffered a very bad fall, that has caused me do develop back and other orthopedic issues. The nurse I had yesterday was so caring, representing the kind of nurse I have always been and expect and want to see when I seek care. Nurses need to quickly develop "relationships" with their patients in all the encounters, while it can be a little more challenging in an outpatient ambulatory care setting, but I felt that this nurse was able to do just that, in the short time that she worked with me. I found that she did the one thing that I learned a nurse should do when I was a student nurse, and that is, if you can't do anything else for a patient, during the course of your time with them, you make sure that at the end of the day, they can say that you made them comfortable and that is what Marie did for me. I hope that she can be celebrated with this award for being the kind of nurse we need more of today. She is an exemplary nurse!