Marie Watson
May 2023
Outpatient Observation
Banner Baywood Medical Center
United States




Marie is a very caring person, which is evident when you first meet her.
Marie Watson is very organized. When she comes into my room, she has a purpose to obtain information that will help her provide excellent care. The first time I met Marie, she was charged with the responsibility of training a new nurse. Marie took this responsibility with open arms, and she was well-organized in her communication with me and her trainee. She is very thorough in the way she takes care of me, and I am certain that she treats all patients the same. Marie was very compassionate to me and my family, but also assertive when it was necessary. Marie is a very caring person, which is evident when you first meet her. She is very engaging and always has some story, which is usually funny, but she gets my attention and I look forward to seeing her. She keeps me up to date on what is next in terms of my treatment (i.e., more testing or a change in my medicine).

Marie is very deserving of this DAISY Award.