Marilou De Los Santos
November 2023
De Los Santos
Registered Nurse
TB Unit
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Greater London
United Kingdom




Marilou was able to answer all of my questions and through her effort, all of my worries were replaced with confidence to finish my treatment.
Finding out about my diagnosis/disease was extremely stressful, and likewise the treatment, but I was able to overcome such things with the help of Nurse Marilou. She was so kind and knowledgeable. I had many questions, and I even interrupted her at times, but she remained calm and composed. Marilou was able to answer all of my questions and through her effort, all of my worries were replaced with confidence to finish my treatment. I vividly remember during the course of treatment; it was very early in the morning when I’d experienced side effects and was really sick. I was able to get in touch with Nurse Marilou to ask for some assistance. Nurse Marilou was able to provide me with some measures on how to handle the adverse effects. She is a one-of-a-kind nurse, dedicated, and devoted to her sworn duties. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank her and her team, who in one way or another guided me throughout the entire time.