Marilyn Dlugosh
February 2024
Float Pool/Nursing Administration
HCA Medical City of Plano
United States




She reminds me that even though it may feel at times that there will be no resolve, I should continue to push forward. Because Marilyn exudes excellence, she inspires me to do the same. 
I am not even sure that I can find the right words to express how great of a leader Marilyn really is. I am new to my role, and so is Marilyn. Marilyn began her new role shortly before I transitioned into mine. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Marilyn was tasked with taking on the responsibility of being a leader to my team as well. Marilyn never complained, and she welcomed our team as part of her "Float Pool Family." 

The nursing profession has had to overcome a lot since the pandemic. Being able to witness the type of leadership that Marilyn exemplifies gives me hope that our profession can and will continue to succeed despite everything that we have been forced to deal with since 2020.

Marilyn is so passionate about what she does, and even when it feels like we don't have a voice...Marilyn reminds me that someone is still out there fighting for us! I have not worked with her for very long, but she has already had such a powerful impact on me. She unknowingly motivates me, and I aspire to be both a better nurse and a better leader because of her. She is a constant reminder that, as a nurse, we are all supposed to act as leaders. She reminds me that as nurses, we are supposed to be the "voice" not only for our patients but also for our colleagues. She reminds me that even though it may feel at times that there will be no resolve, I should continue to push forward. Because Marilyn exudes excellence, she inspires me to do the same. 

Marilyn is constantly providing positive feedback, while also pushing her staff to be better. She is constantly communicating with her team, and she is always available when we need her! She is also not afraid to provide constructive criticism, and she does so in a way that is not condescending or demeaning. 

I know that I still have a lot to learn, especially when it comes to learning how to be a leader in an organization. So, I am grateful to have Marilyn to help guide me on my journey. I am truly grateful for all that she does to support all of us. I am also thankful that I have been able to witness the positive impact that a leader can have on a member of his/her team. Because of Marilyn, I will continue to challenge myself to be the best nurse/leader that I can be! I am forever grateful for having the opportunity to work alongside her...because even mentors need a mentor!