Marilyn Swan
May 2018
Swift River Family Medicine
Rumford Hospital
United States




One day at Swift River Family Medicine, while Marilyn was working at her desk, a call was transferred to her because the PSR felt something was not quite right. Marilyn took the call and recognized that the patient was in trouble. The patient exhibited slurred speech and was unable to verbalize what was going on. Marilyn quickly realized the patient needed immediate help and asked someone to call 911. Marilyn assured the patient and made a point to always have someone stay on the line with the patient while she talked with 911 to let them know what was going on. It was somewhat of a struggle for them to find out where the patient lived as in her chart the only address listed was a PO box, but eventually, EMS arrived at the patient's home and transported her to the Emergency Department at Rumford Hospital where she received successful care for this potentially life-threatening condition.
Thank you, Marilyn, for being part of our lives and for sharing your gift.