Marissa Goyer
November 2020
Albany Medical Center




Marissa always helped to bring laughter and light-heartedness to our time here. She also would consistently go out of her way to extract smiles from our son.
I want to recognize Marissa for her upbeat and positive attitude, seemingly endless energy, and genuine connection she makes with her patients during extended stays in the hospital, some days are easy while others are hard. During hard days, nurses that can cause laughter, encourage positivity, and create bright spots are invaluable. Marissa is one of these nurses. Whether we were talking about our respective children, sharing stories, or looking at pictures of fancy chickens or Halloween costumes, Marissa always helped to bring laughter and light-heartedness to our time here. She also would consistently go out of her way to extract smiles from our son.
In passing, Marissa would always say hello and ask B for "scheming hands" of "fish tips". She would also affectionately call him, "Skinnamarink" (after the nursery rhyme) and he learned to recognize this name and her voice. Even when out of view, Marissa could say "Skinnamarink" and Goose would start looking for her.
Thank you, Marissa!