Marissa Montemarano
February 2021
Tampa General Hospital
United States




Her upbeat and positive attitude makes you want to do the tasks necessary to recover and get working on Rehab
Marissa - Her caring, respect, and integrity, was unbelievable. Her upbeat and positive attitude makes you want to do the tasks necessary to recover and get working on Rehab and she checks to make sure you are doing it. Her knowledge and competency to do her job are awesome. She can train someone to do their job while doing her own tasks and smile and laugh through it while making you laugh too. On the NFL playoff game night, she had to put a new IV in while training someone on how to do it. At the end of the game with 1:56 left she started a dance in front of the tv that had me laughing so hard for the first time since my new lung and when the Bucs won, she had me cheering with a dance. Which worked my lung BIG time, a very smart move on her part. The Super Bowl was a win for both of us.