Mark Sayre
April 2021
Interventional Radiology
Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center




I observed Mark squatting down to the Veteran's eye level and stating, "Sir, it is my privilege to serve a hero."
I had the opportunity to observe Mark Sayre when Mark was in the hallway just outside of the Radiology Department. I heard him say, "Sir, do you need some assistance?" My eyes focused on a Veteran who was bent over, carrying his O2 tank and visibly short of breath. The Veteran agreed he needed help and was supported while Mark went to get a wheelchair. A chair was soon delivered from the Radiology area for the Veteran to sit in until a wheelchair arrived. Once the Veteran was seated, he apologized "for being so much trouble." The Veteran was told it wasn't any trouble and it is our privilege to help. The Veteran relayed that he was dropped off for lab work and a CT appointment. The Veteran continued that he is on six liters of oxygen. Mark checked this Veteran's tank and realized that the Veteran would not have enough O2 to sustain him through his lab work, CT appointment, and the trip back to his home.
Mark went to obtain an oxygen tank to preserve the Veteran's supply, while the Veteran was taken to the lab. Mark delivered the O2 tank and switched the tank over. The Veteran stated again that he was "sorry to be so much trouble." Then I observed Mark squatting down to the Veteran's eye level and stating, "Sir, it is my privilege to serve a hero." When the Veteran heard this statement, I saw the Veteran straighten up in his chair, his eyes water and he nodded his head, he stated thank you. Mark stayed with this Veteran, taking him from the lab to CT, telling him that he would take care of him in CT.
Mark demonstrated our VA's ICARE values instilling Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence with his chance encounter.
Thank you, Mark, for all you do.