Mary Essien
January 2018
11 north - Oncology Unit
University of Miami Hospital
United States




Mary was an angel who was put in our path. We were going through a rough time, unfortunately, diseases like cancer do not celebrate holidays and this one decided to hit us hard during this time. We didn't know what to do, we were desperate, up against the wall. It's not only the patient that has a hard time but the family also goes through the struggle which is why many patients give up so as to not put their family through so much pain. I am not ready to give up and Mary gave me the strength to continue fighting. She came and provided comfort to my daughter. She made a decision that helped me feel better when no one else would do it. She provided comfort to my daughter who was a wreck. She took the time to pray with me. Even when we were moved to another floor, she would come by to visit me after or before her shift to see how I was doing. Whenever she would run into my daughter in the hallways and give her a smile that would bring warmth to my daughter's heart and just the fact that she would ask her how I was doing.
Mary truly has a "Healer's Touch". Dealing with the sick day in and day out if you are not careful you become desensitized to their needs, but Mary has shown that compassion is still alive and University of Miami, myself and my family are fortunate that she is here. She is truly an angel in disguise.