Mary Hankewycz
August 2022
Adventhealth Celebration
United States




Mary was tranquil and did everything in her power to uplift him by instilling hope during a time when he was filled with despair.
While discharging a patient on C2MS, he asked if I had ever met “Nurse Mary from upstairs.” I knew that the patient had been transferred from ICU and knew exactly who he was referring to. Anyone who has ever worked with Mary would describe her smile and spirit as contagious. The patient, who was supposed to be on vacation with his daughter, was admitted to the ICU and feared he was not going to make it. He went on to say that although there was a language barrier, Mary was tranquil and did everything in her power to uplift him by instilling hope during a time when he was filled with despair. He said he could not leave this hospital without at least being able to say goodbye to her and thank her for all she did. Lucky for us, Mary was actually working that day, and I took him upstairs to meet with her. When we went to the ICU, I was in awe of how she embraced him, especially referring to him by name as if he were an old friend. She asked him about his daughter and if she had gotten the opportunity to visit any parks. When we arrived back in his room, he said that although he regretted not being able to enjoy his vacation, he felt that he had gained a family member.