Mary Ordones
May 2021
Intensive Care Unit
Providence Healthcare Network




Mary insisted I get some rest. I later found out that she closely monitored R, letting me sleep as long as possible.
My husband was admitted to the hospital and after emergency surgery was moved to the ICU. That is where I met Mary. Mary went above and beyond to ensure he was comfortable. Although he was on a ventilator and not responsive, she took the time to turn him, fluff his pillow and make sure he was warm and comfortable. I know she did all those things because he was her patient. I wasn't her patient, but she went out of her way to make sure I was kept informed and my needs, as a spouse, were addressed.
Sitting in an ICU room for almost 12 hours was exhausting. Mary convinced me to go home and get some rest. She promised to call me if there was any change. True to her word, she called me at 3 in the morning. She calmly told me R wasn't doing well. His blood pressure was steadily dropping, and she suggested I come to the hospital. When I arrived at the ER entrance someone met me at the door. They told me Mary had called them and asked them to escort me straight to the ICU.
When I got to the ICU Mary told me there was no way to know exactly, but that he most likely would pass soon. She tried to get me to call a friend to be with me, but I resisted. So Mary sat with me. She asked me about my husband and listened to me tell story after story, only stopping to care for him. We even had a few laughs, which I so desperately needed. She could have just focused on caring for her patient, but she took care of my needs as well.
My husband was stubborn and held on throughout the next day. I finally took Mary's advice and called a friend. I guess nurses really do know best! I know Mary was surprised to still see me there when she came back for her shift that night. She insisted I get some rest. I later found out that she closely monitored R, letting me sleep as long as possible.
In the wee hours I felt Mary gently waking me. She told me it was time. She helped me up and walked me over to his bed. She gave us our privacy and told me to take as much time as I needed to say my final goodbyes.
As I write this, I am overwhelmed by the care Mary showed two total strangers. She is one of those extraordinary, caring nurses and I am thankful to have met her.