Mary Soligny
April 2022
Inpatient Burn
Hennepin Healthcare
United States




Mary is contagious with her positive attitude and genuine empathy.
Made me feel loved, played cards with me when no one was there while I was in the burn unit! Had a blast with her at Camp RED. She is an amazing nurse.  I can’t think of a better mentor for future nurses. Mary is contagious with her positive attitude and genuine empathy. Not a shift goes by where she doesn’t have a smile on her face. She goes above and beyond to care for not only the physical wounds of our patients but the emotional wounds of the patient and their family members.


It's clearly evident from this patient's response, that she makes the best of her job and truly cares for burn survivors. Beyond patient care, Mary is a role model for staff. She is always willing to go above and beyond to help others in a pinch. I believe your purpose was to become a nurse for our burn patients, and I can say that all of our patients thank you for pursuing this career.