November 2020
Cancer Infusion Center
Vanderbilt University Medical Center & The Vanderbilt Clinics




Mason is a bright light that shines at Vanderbilt.
I was taking chemo and it was the 2nd or 3rd time I had ever been there. I was incredibly scared. At 42 this is the last place I ever thought I'd be. Everything there scared me although being a Christian I knew it was the Spirit of fear so I would recite Scripture and pray. My Pastor and Spiritual Mother actually brought me which was great.
When I met Mason I immediately felt calmer. She has this way of making you feel safe. Once it was hot and my port was having trouble accessing and normally this would have scared me, but Mason had it under control. She also out of her own money buys special candy patients can have so that they don't taste the alcohol from flushing the port. That taste is awful. Once I came and she bought a whole bag of Mickey Mouse ears for all the nurses and the patients.
Mason is a bright light that shines at Vanderbilt. She is by far one of the best nurses I've ever met. When COVID-19 first hit I was very nervous about coming to get treatment. I knew she was on Facebook, so I messaged her. I apologized for messaging her which she assured me was fine and I asked if it was safe. I knew whatever she said I would believe. She said that Vanderbilt was taking all the necessary precautions and if anything changed she would let me know. I truly love Mason. She goes above and beyond what is asked of her to make patients feel safe. I'm not the only one she treats this way. She treats EVERYONE like this!
I never ever wanted nor expected to be here, but I'm so thankful for Dr. M, A her main nurse, J, Dr. G my surgeon, and Mason. If I did have to walk this out these are the people I want to walk with me. I love absolutely everyone at Vanderbilt, but Mason completely has touched my heart.