Matias Pizarro
December 2020
Neonatology Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Clinica Universidad de los Andes




We emphasize Matias's human quality, his good treatment, his empathy in front of parents who face something very unknown such as "prematurity".
From the first day of the hospitalization of my daughters, Matias showed a very professional treatment. He introduced himself and had the delicacy of always saying hello, saying goodbye, and explaining everything that we did not understand very clearly. We always felt very welcomed by him, it was incredible when he was on duty because my husband and I said to each other, today we have Matias! He was the one who educated us in first aid, with infinite patience. We emphasize his human quality, his good treatment, his empathy in front of parents who face something very unknown such as "prematurity". We admired his wisdom, his chivalry (he always greeted and said goodbye) his kind treatment, his ability to solve things, (he was the one who managed to lend me a breast pump in the room), and his tenderness to speak, even when we were uneasy.
As a family, we are very grateful to everyone, but we highlight Matias because he excels in the team, his human capacity, leadership, and spirit of silent service and humanity make him a special professional.
Thank you very much Matias for your excellent work!
Desde el primer día de la internación de mis hijas, Matias mostro un trato muy profesional. Se presentó y tuvo la delicadeza de siempre saludar, despedirse y explicar todo lo que no entendíamos en forma muy clara. Siempre nos sentimos muy acogidos por él, era increíble cuando el estaba de guardia porque yo y mi marido nos decíamos ¡¡Hoy esta? Matias!!. Fue?el quien nos educó en primeros auxilios, con una infinita paciencia. Destacamos su calidad humana su buen trato, su empatía frente a los padres que nos enfrentamos a algo muy desconocido como es un "prematuro", su sabiduría, su caballerosidad (siempre saludaba y se despedía) su trato amable, su capacidad de solucionar cosas, (fue el quien gestiono que me prestaran un saca leche en la habitación) su ternura para hablar, aun cuando nos equivocamos, su continua insistencia, en decirnos siempre: que cuando nos fuéramos de alta podríamos llamar y ellos siempre estarían para responder nuestras dudas.
Como familia estamos muy agradecidos de todos, pero destacamos a Matias ?porque sobresale en el equipo, su capacidad humana, liderazgo y espíritu de servicio silencioso y humanidad lo convierten a él en un profesional?especial.
¡muchas gracias Matias por tu excelente trabajo!