Matt Stagner
August 2017
Open Heart Unit
Norton Audubon Hospital
United States




I am a nurse and I passed a patient to Matt oneday. The patient was having a severe asthma attack with no obvious cause. During his shift, Matt reviewed the patient's chart extensively and discovered prior to the attacks the patient had been to her GI doctor for a routine visit and had fluid added to her lap band. Matt realized that the newly filled lap band could be causing increased air in the patient's esophagus, leading to her breathing difficulty. Matt called the patient's doctor and explained what he had found. This lead to the patient being transferred directly to another Norton's facility to have the lap band removed. That patient may never know about Matt going the extra mile to help her, but this kind of critical thinking and deep caring for his patients is typical of the extraordinary care he provides. I am so grateful to Matt for finding the answers for the patient.