December 2019
University of Iowa College of Nursing
Iowa City
United States




I have nominated Matt because of the utmost compassion and knowledge that he has. I have never seen a nurse so passionate about the smallest tasks for patient. My mother was his patient and he would do anything to make her comfortable through the long time we were in the ER. We had been in the ER for about 5 hours waiting to get placed, and he would check on us at least every half hour/hour even though I knew they were busy. Whether that was water or repositioning, he made sure we were heard and listened to. The smallest things made a big difference and the constant checking in and desire to make us as comfortable as possible was outstanding. He also sat with us to see how we were feeling in this very difficult situation we were in.
Right before we had been getting my mother transferred, another family was leaving. At the time Matt and I were having a conversation out in the hall, but he overheard a little girl say that she wanted some stickers. Her mom said no. Matt ran, grabbed some stickers, and gave it to the girl before they could leave the ER and the girl was ecstatic. The mom couldn't have said thank you enough. Overall, he makes patients feel like they matter, and to me, that is a trait that I hope other nurses learn from, especially from Matt. He has the making to be a fantastic nurse.