Mckenna Emig
May 2023
Family Birthplace
University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health
Bel Air
United States




McKenna was such a huge support, advocate, and coach to my husband and me through the whole process and on the best and most memorable day of our lives.
I was admitted for induction of labor in the evening. McKenna was the oncoming night shift nurse. For cervical ripening, I was treated with Cervidil which caused immense pain and discomfort. McKenna coached me through the insertion and reminded me to breathe. She was there all night to answer my million and one first-time mom questions of what was to come in the morning. In the morning, I was started on pitocin and an epidural was inserted. As I began progressing, I became more and more nervous. It became evident that I would deliver at some point during night shift so I was thrilled to see that McKenna was back for night shift. M

y water broke around 9:30pm and things began to escalate more quickly. Baby girl was not so happy when I was lying on my back or on my left side. McKenna promptly came into my room after seeing baby girl’s heart rate changes, assisted with positioning, and started an IV fluid bolus and oxygen, all while keeping calm and explaining to my husband and me what was happening and why she was initiating those interventions.

Fast forward 4:30am, I was feeling pressure to push but unfortunately, a small portion of my cervix remained. I was scared and uncertain that I could hold the urge to push if the midwife and McKenna left the room. McKenna walked me through my options and told me if I truly felt like I couldn’t fight the urge to push that she and the midwife could prep to start push and help baby girl past the remaining portion of my cervix. She was an advocate for me when I couldn’t be for myself. I began pushing at 5:00am and while my pushing seemed to be effective, she kept slipping back up above my cervix. Baby girl then began having significant drops in her heart rate, followed my prolonged periods of tachycardia. We decided to give baby girl a break from pushing and would reassess shortly. Unfortunately, baby girl continued to show signs of distress on the monitor so a c-section was advised. I was wheeled back to the OR right at shift change (7am). Even though McKenna’s shift had ended she stayed with me through the delivery.

Nearly 2 hours after the end of her shift, McKenna came to my room to offer congratulations and acknowledgment of everything I had been through to safely bring baby girl into the world. She then asked for permission to hug me, which of course I accepted. McKenna was such a huge support, advocate, and coach to my husband and me through the whole process and on the best and most memorable day of our lives. We will never forget McKenna and the exceptional care she provided us. Thank you McKenna, for everything! Though thank you will never be enough to express our gratitude.