McLean Nuttall
February 2021
Graham Hospital




When I returned at 37 weeks, it was for the same reason, with more contractions. I was already at ease knowing McLean was my nurse again.
I would like to thank McLean from the OB Unit at Graham Hospital. McLean was very attentive to my every need, from coming in with pre-term labor at 35 weeks, being discharged, and returning at 37 weeks. My baby's heartbeat was decelling in the womb, she monitored me closely and helped me feel more comfortable about the situation. When I returned at 37 weeks, it was for the same reason, with more contractions. I was already at ease knowing she was my nurse again. She was very open with me, if I had a question, she found a way to answer it professionally. She wasn't intimidated by my situation, but confident in her skills.
I thought I wanted to feed my baby by exclusively pumping only. During our first skin-to-skin, my daughter was rooting. McLean encouraged me to let her try breastfeeding for just that one time. What she didn't know is that I ended up exclusively breastfeeding my baby. This was a journey I didn't know I wanted but love so very much. I'm very thankful for her encouragement.She even came in to share her congratulations at the end of her shift, knowing I would soon be discharged. Her confidence and caring personality make her an exceptional nurse.