MS 4West Team
January 2022
Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center
United States
Christina Eckmeder, RN, BSN, PCCN
Shawn Cauley, RN, BSN
Alla Chinikaylo, RN, ADN
Maria Chinikalo, RN, BSN
Samayah Coleman-Smith, RN, ADN
Marie Conahan MSN, RN, CPN
Mary McElheney, RN, ADN, Bachelor’s of Psychology
Haley Melan, RN, BSN
Ileana Rico, RN, ADN
Leslie Jane Ulep, RN, BSN
Massiel Velez, RN, BSN
Jessica Young, RN, ADN
Carol Skripka, RN, BSN
Christina Coates, RN
Victoria Frederick, RN, BSN
Colleen Martin, RN, MSN, CMSRN Operations Manager
Joe Jenkins, RN, BSN
Dallas Pollock, NA
Jennifer Lucca, NA
Morgan Sheplock, NA
Amanda Sherlinski, NA
Natalie Barcomb, UDC
Kendra Varner, UDC
Donna Pino, UDC




2020 began as any other year for the team on MS4. As the year progressed the COVID pandemic began to spread and MS4 was tasked with converting to a COVID unit. From the very beginning, this team put their own fear and uncertainty aside and sprang into action. Each and every staff member participated in gathering the needed supplies to ensure our safety. Just like that, we were ready to accept our 1st COVID patient.

This team quickly began to realize that they would be tasked with the unknown and often the unforeseen. Not only did this team rise to the occasion but they did it collectively and willingly. Each day this staff chose to come to work and do their job in a time of uncertainly. I watch as staff members held the hands of dying patients when their own loved ones couldn’t be at their side. This staff quickly had to grapple with the amount of death they would see. In the midst of fear and uncertainty, this staff still found time to go above and beyond for their patients.

At the beginning of the year, the unit received one patient in particular who would touch all of their lives. This young patient was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and had one final wish. Her wish was to marry her best friend and fiancée before it was too late. Together with their colleagues, they arranged for a wedding ceremony complete with a dress, flowers, candles, and a minister. As the staff watched the ceremony there was not a dry eye in the room. The family was filled with immense gratitude. As the months passed the staff encountered another patient that was admitted to the unit with irreversible brain injury. Not only did this patient have a brain injury but she was also expecting a baby. Day after day and week after week the staff on MS 4 treated her like a member of their family. They spoke to her daily, even though she was unresponsive.

Communicating with this patient to assure that she was being well taken care of. The staff celebrated her birthday with balloons and decorations and ensured there were ultrasound pictures of the baby in the room for her. The staff even secured a hand-knitted blanket for the patient.

Recently the MS4 unit received a patient with downs syndrome. This patient needed constant attention and they would dance with him and make sure he had an adequate supply of coloring books and crayons. With the family’s permission, the staff was able to purchase Dairy Queen and Abe’s hot dogs (his favorite) for him. The patient literally danced down the hallway with staff when he was discharged.

The most recent challenge faced by this team was the night their unit flooded. Due to a burst pipe rooms quickly began filling with water. The first step this team took was to ensure the safety of all the patients. Even though there was extensive damage to the unit, not a single patient or staff member was harmed. In attrition, when one staff member lost his shoes the rest of the staff pitched in to buy him a new pair of shoes. Now almost a year and a half later, this team continues to be faced with challenges on the COVID unit. Together they work tirelessly to ensure the safety of their patients. This team deserves to be recognized for its dedication, compassion, adaptability, and overall teamwork. This is not just a group of colleagues, but a small family dedicated to their profession.