Medical/Surgical/Intermediate/Pediatrics Team at Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
May 2022
at Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
Lake Forest
United States
Adubofour, Adla RN
Altamirano, Daisy PCT
Anderson-Walker, Latasha RN
Avila, Viviana PCT
Awit, Deanna CRT RN
Baron, John PCT
Baybayan, Rita PCT
Bermas, Kristianne PCT
Buccat, Reena Paula RN
Bugtas, Arvin RN
De Chavez, Vangie RN
Dominguez, Candi PCT
Duaban, Ritchie RN
Dubinski, Christie RN
Estrada, Susan RN
Fanning, Rebecca CRT RN
Fleres, Zeny RN
Gizani, Saleha PCT
Godoy, Roumella RN
Goldstein, Kaitlyn PCT
Guadarrama, Lupita PCT
Hall, Kaitlyn PCT
Hilario, Tina RN
Hogenkamp, Lauri RN
Jordan, Abby RN
Kostov, Atanas “Jake” PCT
Kostov, Jillian PCT
Lanners, Lisa RN
Lear, Amia PCT
Lespinasse, Alexis RN
Letada, Chelsey RN
Martinez, Erik PCT
Matilde Vasquez, Cindy PCT
Merten, Kristina PCT
Moberly, Justine PCT
Mondoy, Vince PCT
Monreal, Carmen Helena Grace RN
Morrison, Hannah RN
Narvasa, John RN
Nassar, Vanessa RN
Navarrete, Angeles PCT
Niec, Jamie PCT
Nolle, Sherrin RN
Olaiz, Gemma RN
Ravago, Juliel RN
Ramirez, Rebeca RN
Rodriguez, Josefina PCT
Rogers, Candace PCT
Rowe, Amanda CRT RN
Siordia, Emily PCT
Smith, Brenna PCT
Stoney, Jahmelia PCT
Suleiman, Zana PCT
Thomas Lewis, Beverly PCT
Villalobos, Valari RN
Zidron, Kristin RN
Stephanie Risch CPS
Kristina Sineni Manager




This team is deserving of the DAISY Team Award due to all of their recent accomplishments this past year and how they continued to perform highly throughout all of the transitions that they had to experience. The team supported one another in order to keep the team morale high and they provided great care to all of their patients, as evidenced by the unit metrics. Below are bullet points describing how this team works together to make a difference in not only the lives of their patients and patients' family members, but also in the lives of each other.

• With this most recent surge, the team was required to care for higher acuity patients than they were used to in the past. Their teamwork shined more than ever during this time, as they were constantly jumping in to help one another. The number of RRTs and Cardiac Arrests on the unit increased and the staff did a great job in these emergencies. The team always responds immediately and presents to the room prepared with the needed equipment so that interventions can take place immediately. Leadership just recently received an email from both the NOL and an ICU Charge commending this team and their growth this past year. Statements made were that “They have trained to a higher level of acuity/proficiency and it hasn’t gone unnoticed,” as well as “Obviously I wish we didn’t have sick people requiring RRTs, but I feel well supported when responding to them. Please let the staff know that I am beyond thankful for their dedication and support during this last wave of covid.”

• With the recent PCT shortage, there were many PM shifts where there were only 2 PCTs on the unit. The dayshift PCTs proactively completed all vitals prior to the end of the shift so that the PM PCTs did not have to worry about them and the RNs really stepped up. Leadership received feedback about how the RNs helped them out so much. Leadership was also acting as Charge RN when there were 2 PM PCTs and she witnessed a NOC RN tell the rest of the RNs to hurry up and get on the floor to help the PCTs. • Although the team was working with higher acuity patients and understaffed at times, they never let this affect the care that they were providing to their patients. This is evidenced by all of the positive patient comments they received and by the team going 100+ days without any falls, pressure injuries, CAUTIs, or CLABSIs.

• This unit received the AMSN Prism Award, which is a premiere recognition in the specialty of medsurg.

• During the holiday season, this team continued to think of others and collectively collected/purchased enough toys to be donated to 2 different toy drives and make sure that these children received gifts. • The team has successfully on boarded many new RNs, PCTs and travel RNs during this most recent surge. These employees witnessed the teamwork from day one and are now seen demonstrating the same behaviors in their everyday practice on the unit. In touchpoints with new hires, they all commended the teamwork. One of the PCTs made statements such as “I have never worked anywhere where so many people are willing to help you and are always asking.”

• A PCT on the unit received an Employee Recognition Award based on a nomination by one of the RNs on the unit, as well as the unit manager. The team works so well with one another and they always make sure to recognize each other.

• The RNs and the PCTs on this unit are very engaged in the organization, as evidenced by multiple RNs and PCTs volunteering to come in on their days off and help with educating others (ex: skills day, drip of the month, pediatric education, skin champions, fall champions). There are also many staff members that sit on councils and committees (CNLC, POC, HF Committee, CP Committee, Sepsis Committee, Community Outreach, Staffing and Scheduling, NOOC).

• Two RNs on this unit studied for and successfully passed the PCCN certification during this pandemic. This has encouraged many others to sign up for review courses with plans to obtain their certifications as well. They can be heard discussing tips and tricks with others.

• During this time, there were multiple travel RNs working on the unit and the team embraced them and adopted them into the family. They made sure to include them in all of the unit celebrations and they provided them with consistent support. Feedback received from the travel RNs was that there is great teamwork on the unit and that someone is always jumping in to help, even without asking. All of the travel RNs have asked to extend because “they have never been on an assignment where they were so close with the team.”

• When the unit manager unexpectedly went on maternity leave, one of the charge RNs stepped up as interim manager and successfully continued to lead the team. The team respected her in the role and were very grateful for all that she did for them.

• This team had 8 RNs nominated for a DAISY Award.

• There were a few patients who had birthdays while they were admitted to the unit. The primary RNs created cards and had all of the staff members sign. The manager bought balloons from the gift shop and they all went to the patient's room to sing happy birthday. One of the patients was out of the room working with PT, so they decorated the room and made a sign. These patients were very grateful.

• We had a patient with cancer on the unit for a while, who was very sad and anxious. The bedside RN asked this RN if music therapy could come to see the patient, as nothing seemed to lift her spirits. The Charge RN reached out for a consult, but with it being the weekend they were not available. This RN took it upon herself to go speak to the patient and see what she could do for her. The discussion led to this RN asking the patient if she could sing for her, which resulted in the patient saying yes. This RN sang Amazing Grace and allowed the patient to take a voice recording. The patient was very touched and appreciative and from then on there was a noticeable difference in the mood of the patient.

• This team is constantly celebrating one another whether it is a birthday, baby, wedding, job change, graduation, etc. This team would be deserving of this award because they do things such as those listed above not because they are told to, but because they feel that it is the right thing to do it. They truly see their co-workers and patients as a part of their family and it has become part of the culture on the unit. They do not complete these actions to be recognized, but because they have the attitude of “we are all in this together.”

PHOTO CAPTION Left to right back row: Molly Dempsey, Kimberly Rodriguez, Amia Lear, Latasha Anderson-Walker, Laura Meller, Jamie Niec, Jahmelia Stoney, Josefina Rodriguez, Karen Mahnke, Christie Dubinski Left to right front row: Roumella Godoy, Stephanie Risch, Chelsey Letada, Kristina Sineni