Meg Price
February 2023
Duke Regional Hospital
Duke University Hospital
United States




Meg has such a bubbly, kind, and caring personality that it was easy to see that she loves her job and all the little ones she looks after.
Our daughter decided to come early. Our daughter was born at 35 weeks and three days. She had some issues with desatting while feeding or killing a binky. It was not surprising due to her age, but, as her parents, it was super stressful and scary to see. All of the nurses were great, but one especially made us feel comfortable and helped reduce our stress. Her name is Meg Price. She watched over our little girl for three or four nights. We always tried to get there at the beginning of each shift so we could find out who would be watching her. The moment we met Meg, we knew our girl would be safe. Meg has such a bubbly, kind, and caring personality that it was easy to see that she loves her job and all the little ones she looks after. Meg is exactly the kind of person anyone would want to have watch their kid or have on their care team. After our daughter's last desat event, my wife was shaken up and, honestly, a crying mess. So, that evening we came back to feed her, and anytime the monitor she was hooked to beeped or made its little alarm noise, my wife would get very tense, and her eyes would start to water. Meg saw this and gave her a big hug and comforted her while I held the baby. Meg thoughtfully told us what was going on and explained what the monitor was doing. She was quick to offer a hand when it came time to change and /or feed our daughter. Meg is also a good teacher. She showed me the best ways to change a diaper and swaddle her. I know these are all things every nurse on that care team does or would do, but Meg went just a bit further. After the last desat event, she made a little sign saying, “Please don’t give me my paci unsupervised. I desat!", It was a small but super meaningful thing to us. I could see the worry leave my wife’s face, and I felt most of the stress leave me as well. Unfortunately for us, but not for Meg, she finally got to her days off and would miss the last two nights of our daughter's stay at Duke Regional. But Meg being the awesome person that she is, made sure all would be well in her absence. She had a coworker who would be working those last two nights. They were talking, and Meg told her about our daughter and ourselves. When we came in that night, we met her coworker, and she was awesome as well, telling us about Meg gushing over our daughter and how close they are. That put the cherry on top of our faith in Meg and the NICU team as a whole. We now have a very healthy, beautiful baby girl at home and a new kind of stress, but the good kind. If we only had a “Meg” at home.