LCDR Megan Caltagirone
February 2022
Navy Medicine Training and Readiness Unit, Portsmouth, NH
United States




Megan stepped in to care for this critical patient in crisis and helped this girl get the care she needed.
Megan is a nurse leader who quietly goes above and beyond for her patients every day. She does not brag or share about her sacrifices for her patients, so it is difficult to account for every action. Today I witnessed her firsthand seeking assistance for a new military family in our area.

They have a young child and this is the husband’s first duty station. The family used all of their savings to start a rental agreement for an apartment. Upon arrival to the area, the husband was immediately put on a boat, and the family is unsure when he would be back home. They haven’t received their money for housing or moving yet. The wife didn’t know what to do and she had been crying for days.

Megan became aware of the young family and their struggles when the wife came in for an appointment. She immediately began assisting her with Fleet and Family and Navy-Marine Corps Relief Services. Additionally, she gathered a team to help think of all the local resources to help this family. She understands that the healthcare team needs to treat the whole family to achieve wellness for the patient.

While going above and beyond for her patient in this instance, Megan was experiencing an unusual situation where her department had just lost its staff of providers including a PA who left the military, an MD who retired somewhat suddenly, and an NP who was on maternity leave. Megan continues to go above and beyond for her patients even during a time of unusually high stress. LCDR Caltagirone is one of a kind. I recognized this very early in her tour of duty here at NMRTU Portsmouth.

On two occasions just before close of business at 1600, we had a patient present to the front desk in our clinic. Tearful and in pain. No providers around insight; Megan jumped in and said “put the patient in a room.” She saw the patient right there on the spot! This is her motto every day. Just bring the patient in, we will see him!

Here at Portsmouth, we are a small clinic. We have a three-provider team comprised of a Family Practice MD who went on leave. We have a NP who went on Maternity Leave. We had a PA, active duty who left the service. Megan is Director of Expeditionary Medicine and Health Services but she is now also the Primary Care Provider for all of the patients here at NMRTU Portsmouth. She sees almost all of the patients empaneled here herself. She is kind and compassionate and takes her time with every patient. She will always see a patient in need. She will see a patient even if we don’t have a spot.

The week before Thanksgiving we had a mom call for a little girl seen in an urgent care setting with respiratory symptoms and fever not improving (she had a negative Covid test). With no spots available we were sending her out to the urgent care clinic again but they were closed for remodeling; the second urgent care clinic we recommended was not taking any more patients that day. Megan said, “You know what, tell mom just bring her in. We will fit her in.” That little girl had pneumonia. Megan caught it and treated her in time.

We recently had a critical situation beyond close of business on a Friday night. While still caring for her own patients, Megan stepped in to care for this critical patient in crisis and helped this girl get the care she needed. She saved her life, and with her remarkable compassion helped the family support the patient as needed. She has a remarkable, down-to-earth way of putting people at ease and helping people understand the course of care needed. Her compassion, humor, kindness, and knowledge are unmatched. We are blessed to have this amazing provider on our team. She has the same compassion and care for all her teammates and for that, we are truly grateful. She is a one-of-a-kind nurse and I am honored to work beside her.