Megan Ellsworth
May 2023
Surgical Services
Oneida Healthcare
United States




She shows us compassion every day, when we have ups and downs, whether it is our own personal issues or with patients, she supports us.
Where do I start with Megan? She has always been an extraordinary role model to the staff. I can’t begin to tell you how much I have learned from her on how to deal with difficult situations and difficult patients. Somehow, she always seems to take the bad and simply turn it around into good. She always has a calm, confident way of dealing with situations. When other people would have thrown in the towel, she just pushes through with a smile.

I believe she has created trust within the department. When she says she’s going to do something, I believe she follows through to the best of her ability. She shows us compassion every day, when we have ups and downs, whether it is our own personal issues or with patients, she supports us. She never makes me feel like “I’m dealing with a boss” when she is around. When she’s around I always feel like I just have another helper present. She has taught me in many ways how to maintain my professional behavior in the hardest of situations. I learn each and every day from her how to be better at what I do. It’s said a good leader doesn’t make it look like they are the best but makes everyone around them the best they can be.

She attempts to motivate the staff by encouraging them and explaining to them she is there to help remove any roadblocks in their way. She knows she may not physically be able to help them be better at their job, but she can take away the problems that they have so they can be better. She is always reviewing and updating policies and procedures to try to make patient outcomes better and make it easier for the staff to do their job. She is always encouraging us to do the very best we can within our own department. We cannot control what happens around us, but we can do our best to work with other departments to improve how the community sees our facility.