Megan Rowlands
May 2024
Gen Med/Neurology
Blessing Hospital
United States




It was an amazing save and her fast actions saved the little girl from a bad outcome.
A family was visiting a patient on the floor. One of the visitors has a 3-year-old great-granddaughter. She was eating a muffin for breakfast when she started choking. The mom called out to the hall for help. Megan Rowlands was in a neighboring room when she heard the call. She came out of the room in full N95 gear and ran into the room. By then, the little girl was turning blue. Megan grabbed the little girl from the mom and started utilizing the infant Heimlich maneuver. The muffin successfully dislodged. The mom was hysterical, she was holding the little girl on the floor for a few minutes. It was an amazing save and her fast actions saved the little girl from a bad outcome. The family was so appreciative even if the little girl was mad, “she hit me.”