Megan Speiring
November 2023
Pallative Care
Freeman Health System
United States




Megan is a bright light in our day. This has been such a trying time in our lives, but she has walked alongside us and made the burden so much easier.
My 81 year old father was admitted to the hospital for a hemorrhagic stroke. Due to his brain bleed, his prognosis was poor. He was placed on comfort care. During this time, it has been an emotional roller coaster. Megan has been so compassionate, informative, and loving while she helps us navigate these uncharted waters through this very challenging time. Megan has spent countless hours checking in on my father and the rest of my family to make sure that we are all taking care of ourselves. She repeatedly asks us if we are getting enough sleep, if we are eating and drinking, and if we are taking walks around the hospital to make sure we are able to help take care of my father. She is a bright light in our day. This has been such a trying time in our lives, but she has walked alongside us and made the burden so much easier. She has been such a Godsend and an answer to prayer. We feel so blessed to have Megan in our lives.