Megan Sylvestry
July 2022
Labor & Delivery
Jupiter Medical Center
United States




I felt as though I was in the arms of my best friend, safe and supported.
First-time mom here. I recently gave birth to our first son at JMC, and I was lucky enough to have MS as my nurse that day. More like…blessed. From the moment MS came into my room, she was warm and friendly. She took the time to explain how the day would go, how she would be there to support us, and also answer any questions my husband or I would have. She made sure we knew exactly what was going on before it happened, i.e., any medications administered, which was comforting to me since I had never had a child before. When it was time for my epidural, she not only was in the room with me, but she stood in front of me, held me, and let me rest my head on her shoulder as she encouraged me through the anxiety I was feeling about this "scary" epidural I had been dreading. I felt as though I was in the arms of my best friend, safe and supported. This was the first moment I realized that MS is more than a nurse; she's an angel here to support women as they bring their children earth-side. As the day progressed, I did not. I stalled at 5cm, and the decision was made that a c-section would be the safest for my child, and little did I know that this was a pretty "emergent" situation. Dr. "F" (who is also absolutely phenomenal) and MS both stayed very calm and reassuring to the point where I had no idea the urgency of my situation. MS shift was due to end at 7 PM. By the time the call was made for my c-section, it was 6:30 PM. To my surprise and great appreciation, MS came to my bedside and told me that she was going to stay with me through my surgery…She was the only nurse I had that day, and she knew from the little time she spent with me that going into my surgery with a new nurse wouldn't be as comforting to me as if she stayed with me, and that's just what she did. She was by my side the entire time. Being a first-time mom, I had no previous experience. MS, being a mom herself, told me how she had a c-section with her son and that if she could do it, then so could I, and I trusted what she said. During my surgery, I heard her voice the entire time. She was encouraging me and praising me, giving me the strength and courage that I really needed. When it was time for my husband to get up and cut the umbilical cord, I remember putting my hand out and calling for MS. With so many people in the OR, I desperately needed a hand to hold while my husband's hand was busy tending to our son. Without missing a beat, MS's hand grabbed mine. She was right there, as promised. She never once left me. Maybe to some, this act of kindness is small, but to me, it meant the entire world. MS is a mother herself and had a little boy waiting for her at home, but she chose to sacrifice time at home with her family to help me welcome our son into the world. I truly feel like MS being my nurse that day was God's hand. She is not only an incredible nurse but person. The bond I feel I have with her is something I won't ever forget. She went above and beyond on all levels of my care. I truly cannot sing her praises enough. Not only are we absolutely blessed to have had MS as our nurse, but all other mamas-to-be are too. MS helped make a scary situation one that I will never forget in the most wonderful way. She went above and beyond, and I will forever be grateful to have crossed paths with her.