Melanie Ortiz
March 2023
BURN unit
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
United States




Thank you for providing such highly skilled care for my mom and for being there for my mom's final moments when we could not.
On the night shift, you took care of my mom. She (he) is transgender (female by birth). They sustained 90% of burns and passed away under your care. To all of the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, techs, unit clerks, social workers, cleaning crew, etc., who cared for my mom-my family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you did. I am an ICU nurse on a surgical trauma/burn ICU in Tucson, Arizona, and from talking to the team, it sounded like my mom was extremely unstable and required a lot of work to stabilize him and save him. We are just heartbroken and horrified at what happened, but we are thankful that he was under the care of such compassionate and skilled people in her final moments. I am deeply sorry that I did not hear your calls, my phone was on silent because I had work the next day. The physician described all the interventions that were done and I have no doubt in my mind that you all did everything you could. And to the nurse who cared for our mom that night-I do not know your name, but I do know you had a lot on your hands providing for him. Thank you for providing such highly skilled care for my mom and for being there for my mom's final moments when we could not. I wish we could have been there, but I am comforted knowing that my mom was in good hands. We cannot thank you enough. You are deeply appreciated.