Melanie Westman
March 2024
Intensive Care Unit
Geauga Medical Center, A campus of Regional Hospitals
United States




Mel works diligently to ensure that her patients are comfortable.
Mel is the prime example of advocating for a Patient. The dedication she has for providing care is unmatchable. Mel works diligently to ensure that her patients are comfortable. Her one patient was on Bi-Pap and so desperately wanted water and something to eat. She realized that if she strategically let the Bi-Pap work and gave him a couple of sips of water and his favorite, chocolate pudding. She provided oral care continuously, ensuring he was comfortable. She took the time to simply hold his hand and give him a hug. While this may not seem significant, it reminds me of the power of nursing and how nurses are capable of making a difference in the world. Despite her years in nursing, she thrives in the ICU. She continues to exemplify proper nursing care and also what it takes to be an extraordinary nurse. Thank you, Mel.