Melinda Timlen
August 2020
Emergency Department
Greater Baltimore Medical Center
United States




I had the opportunity last week to witness the exceptional care and empathy provided by Melinda (Mel) for a patient who arrived in our ED. A woman came in alone, needing help and was short of breath, but crying, "I can't stay, I don't want to stay, I am doing holistic medicine".
As we began our cardiac and respiratory assessment - we noted her right breast was engulfed by a hard, black colored area, prompting us to ask her questions regarding what appeared to be advanced breast cancer. The patient stated that the area had been like that for a year but didn't say anything else to anyone. Mel took the opportunity to reassure the patient that she was free to be discharged at any time, and that we would not violate her desire for holistic care, but that it might help to allow us to investigate her condition, so she could make informed decisions. Mel explained all the tests that we could perform as she sat with and spoke with the patient. After around 30 minutes, the patient agreed to the scans. During that conversation, the patient shared that she had family coming from Arizona that she had to get from the airport and that she had a brother who was a GBMC employee somewhere in the dietary department. Clearly, family was a high priority for our patient.
The tests indicated that the patient had cancer, with metastasis in the lungs, bones, liver, spine. A dire prognosis to have to deliver to a patient at any time, much less to a patient who was alone and afraid. She needed an emergency pericardiocentesis to remove the fluid that was collecting around her heart causing her shortness of breath, which required her to be transferred. As the physician discussed this with the patient, Mel stayed by the patient's side, offering support, and helping to explain the next steps.
Mel attempted to locate Mrs. A's brother who worked at GBMC. After multiple unsuccessful calls, the patient remained alone during this life-altering moment. Mel became family for this patient. She sat with her until the ambulance team arrived. Mrs. A had tears in her eyes as she expressed her appreciation for the concern and kindness offered by Mel. As the ambulance pulled away - Mel's phone rang. It was the patient's brother. Mel arranged for him to meet his sister and to take care of the arriving family.
Having been through the loss of a loved one due to cancer - I would like to submit Melinda for her kind, caring, and compassionate attitude for this patient during one of the hardest moments of her life. She truly touched this patient's life and will be remembered for her kindness.