Melissa A Southard
February 2024
Melissa A
Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System
United States




Besides helping me through a new maze, she provided and continues to provide me and my wife with peace and calm when chaos and nervousness could have easily ruled.
As one gets older, many things become more of a challenge than in earlier years. It is almost a necessity to get assistance wherever and whenever possible, even on the most simple tasks. A little over 3 years ago I registered for assistance through the Veterans Administration. While I qualified for the VA over 50 years ago, it became apparent I could use the VA to supplement the medical challenges I began to face several years ago. I joined in Baton Rouge, LA and had started learning the procedures of that facility when my wife and I moved to Pensacola Beach, FL. I then had to learn to maneuver a completely different facility. I say all this to recognize the care and assistance I have received from Melissa Southard, a nurse at the Pensacola VA facility. It seemed I was constantly trying to figure out what I needed to do to learn this new facility and administration or who I needed to call to get through the unfamiliar routines required to change VA locations. As the nurse for my new primary care physicians, Melissa became my “go-to” person to answer my questions or give me advice on what I needed to do. She provided directions on how to get to other providers at the VA and even assisted me when I had problems with the VA pharmacy. I readily admit I was part of the problem because I found it somewhat difficult to navigate a facility and its resources that are significantly larger than my previous location. She was always there for me and responded almost immediately when I sent her emails with my questions. This may not seem a big deal to those who have the patience or experience for dealing with a new and large medical organization or certainly individuals who have had to face much more debilitating health issues than mine. But for someone who is getting on in years, it provides a significant sense of relief - and safety - that someone cares about me and my challenges. I must admit I have yet to meet anyone in Pensacola, VA, who has been anything less than helpful, friendly, and professional. I believe that is a reflection of the administration and its goal of providing the best care possible to all veterans. However, Melissa has risen to the task of taking care of ME - and for that, I believe she is more than worthy to be recognized. Some of the things she has done to help me (but are not limited to this list because I can’t find the records of all our contacts) include:

1. Talk me through my initial visit with my new VA primary care physician (PCP). Again, all this was new to me, and she guided me along the way. 

2. During that initial visit, my doctor raised questions about my previous health issues. I contacted her after the visit to ask specific questions about how to follow up and to whom I should reach out. There was also an issue of an MRI and she guided me through that process, including how to get the record of a previous MRI performed outside of the VA into my records.

3. As I was going through evaluations for the determination of disability, she ensured I had all the records that were required for those evaluations.

4. When I found out that a prescription that was initially prescribed by my PCP in Baton Rouge, LA needed to be refilled and that doctor was no longer with the VA, Melissa helped my get this prescription refilled at the Pensacola VA pharmacy. She made sure that my new VA PCP issued a new prescription.

5. After my disability claim was completed and I was determined to be 40% disabled, I was informed I should meet with a counselor and that someone would reach out to me soon. When I heard nothing after a while, I reached out to Melissa and she followed up and was able to have someone call me to set up an appointment.

6. As part of the process of my disability claim, I was advised that I needed to talk to someone in medication management. However, I found out there needed to be an order from my PCP authorizing that appointment. Again, Melissa worked her magic and “made it happen.”

7. After a CT scan and a stress test was performed by one of my civilian doctors, Melissa informed my VA PCP about the procedures and had the doctor call me to discuss these tests. She also ensured that the records from these tests were properly scanned into my VA records.

8. After several reviews of recently acquired medical records from my civilian doctors that were made before I joined the VA, I found out that a medical diagnosis had been omitted from my VA records. Melissa was able to get this information into my VA records again.

9. During all the discussions about my disability, I determined I had been paying for a prescription that was service connected, not knowing it should have been free. When I found this out, I contacted Melissa and she notified my PCP about the oversight and he made a correction to reflect it was service connected, saving me money in the future. 

10. After my disability determination, I was informed I should get a new Veterans Health Card. But when I called the VA they could not direct me to anyone who could help. I contacted Melissa and she was able to get me to the right person.

11. When I needed medical records to take to an outside provider recommended through the VA Community Care Network, she helped me make things happen to get those records.

12. When a prescription was not accepted at the VA pharmacy, she took it directly to the pharmacy and was able to get everything worked out.

13. After some bloodwork indicated a potential issue, my VA PCP recommended I see my civilian specialist to follow up. When it was determined the issue was in fact a non-issue, it was Melissa who made sure the doctor got that information. 

As I mentioned, I am sure this is not everything Melissa has done in a relatively short period of time. For me, however, it was nothing short of remarkable! Besides helping me through a new maze, she provided and continues to provide me and my wife with peace and calm when chaos and nervousness could have easily ruled. Maybe others at this stage of their lives are looking for more, but for us Melissa is a God-send. I only hope others have had the good fortune to have someone like Melissa to shepherd them through a most difficult time in their lives. Her focus and relationship skills, along with her passion to help others, deserve to be recognized.