Melissa Engle
February 2020
Mother Baby
SwedishAmerican Hospital
United States




Melissa is a special nurse! She came to SwedishAmerican as a leadership student and fell in love with Mother-Baby Nursing. Melissa leads by example and demonstrates compassion and care towards all of her patients.
Recently, Melissa cared for a mom who was committed to breastfeeding her baby but was facing several struggles from the start. You see, this patient's insurance will only cover one breast pump every five years. The pumps are subpar and do not last long enough to do the job, and the pump the patient received two years ago was no longer functional. Money was also tight for this young family, so they were unsure how they would obtain a new breast pump.
Breast milk works as supply and demand so the patient needed to be able to pump or express milk in some way when separated from her baby or her body would eventually stop producing breast milk. With that knowledge in mind, Melissa wanted this mother to have a successful breastfeeding experience and decided to donate a breast pump to this family. She brought in a brand new double electric breast pump, which was better quality than those given by the patient's insurance.
Singlehandedly, Melissa saved this family hundreds of dollars in formula costs. Melissa is a valuable contributor to whomever she encounters, and it is a pleasure to work with her on a daily basis. Melissa's manager stated, "Melissa is an unsung hero, and I found out about this story truly by happenstance, as Melissa would never tell."