Melissa Grainger
July 2020
Trauma Program
Beaumont Hospital - Taylor
United States




Great leaders are committed, confident, creative, innovative, inspirational, passionate, and compassionate. They have integrity, a strong sense of purpose, and defined missions and visions. They're resilient, and when they fall, they get right back up. They've been tested, they've proven themselves, and they've risen to the top of their organizations. When I reflected on that criteria, I was drawn toward the great work of Melissa Grainger. She has been committed to any role or any challenge presented to her.
Melissa wears many hats, one day she is focused on the trauma program and then switches toward being the emergency preparedness coordinator. Regardless of which hat she has on that day, she is a reliable advocate for the staff and patients. She is always available to provide updates or a lending hand. Melissa displayed her ability to jump into any situation during the COVID pandemic onset. Melissa ran into the fire without hesitation to set up the COVID curbside screening tent and process. Like many, she worked extra-long hours each day and worked many days in a row to ensure the process was flowing, patients received what they needed, and the staff was in a good safe space, as well. Melissa stayed in close contact with site-based leadership to provide updates and obtain feedback. This collaboration provided a trusting environment and assurance she oversaw the situation. This situation tested Melissa and she proved herself. She was committed, confident, creative, and led with a strong sense of purpose.
When you talk with Melissa about this experience, she is very humble and really throws the credit toward all of those around her, again another great attribute of a great leader.
As the Trauma Manager, Melissa is diligent to ensure the staff are adequately educated and constantly prepared for any trauma situation which may present in the emergency department. She seeks out opportunities to increase community involvement with the Taylor campus. Melissa has collaborated with the other BH campuses to draw from their experiences to enhance the trauma program at Taylor. This shows her ability to be creative and draw inspiration from others.
When you talk with Melissa on a professional or personal level, you can feel her passion for nursing and caring for others. Hearing her talk about working in the ER or her son you can see the spark of resilience, she has fallen down but always gets right back up with the same level of compassion and vision.