Melissa Parker
February 2021
Emergency Department
Northwest Health Porter
United States




Melissa and two other co-workers met me at the door with my sister. They hugged her as she cried and got her a chair, some water, and made her laugh.
I am a nurse in the ER here at Porter. At this time I would like to share a story of my work family. My sister called 911 to send her 43-year-old husband to the ER due to COVID-19. My sister and her 6 y/o son were also positive for the virus. My sister made her husband walk to the ambulance so that the paramedics did not need to go into her home. This is the last time my sister (at this time) has been able to talk to her husband face to face. My brother-in-law remained at Porter and was later transferred to the ICU and ended up on a vent. 

Soon after, I got a frantic call from my sister that he was being sent to IU in Indy for ECMO. I had no idea what to do for my sister. As an ER nurse, I knew that she would not be able to see him and that the outcome of ECMO was a long shot to see if he could live. My plan was to pick her up and race to Indy so she could at least see the Helicopter land so she could see her husband get unloaded. I was in Laporte at the time of the call and made the necessary calls to family. I was speeding down route 6 when something told me I needed to call my fellow nurse and friend Melissa Parker. I don't know why, I really feel as if God was touching me. In tears, I called Parker and told her what I know. I had no idea she was working ER that day. She told me she knows of a patient being sent out of ICU with an ETA of 45 minutes. Melissa told me to grab my sister and meet at the ER. Melissa and two other co-workers met me at the door with my sister. They hugged her as she cried and got her a chair, some water, and made her laugh. A nurse from ICU came down with my brother-in-law's belongings. While talking, my sister gave the ICU nurse a Star Wars toy that her son sent with his mom to go with his dad "because daddy might not be home for Christmas. He gets a present early". The IU flight crew stopped as they were leaving and allowed her to see her husband for the first time in 2 weeks and still unknown if she will see him again. She was able to touch his arm and tell him she loved him and to get better to come home to her. We watched the flight crew take off from the parking lot. My sister looked at me and said "That may have been a small thing for them, but it meant the world to me."

I work with the best people. My ER family did not hesitate to welcome us, hug us, and dry our tears. WE are a family here at Porter and support each other not only at work but in our home life as well. My brother-in-law is the father of 4, 2 under the age of 18. He is a paramedic, a father, and a husband, not just a number when the ER family reached out to us. At the time I write this we are uncertain of the outcome. We don't know if he will ever come home, but thanks to my co-workers, my sister was able to see her husband, touch him, give him her love and kiss him goodbye. Thank you.