Melissa Wilcox
March 2023
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
UW Medicine Valley Medical Center
United States




I’ve never had so much care and compassion shown toward me, during such a difficult and stressful time.
My nurse went above and beyond to take care of me and my new baby when a family emergency came up and my support person had to leave my side in the middle of the night. After two nights straight without any sleep, I was a wreck with a crying, screaming baby alone. Melissa would come in and hold my daughter to calm her down, taking care of her in every way possible, and on top of that, she was there for me. From just listening to me and helping me cope with what happened, to making sure I had enough nourishment to handle the night, I’ve never had so much care and compassion shown toward me, during such a difficult and stressful time. With me being in such an emotional and vulnerable state, her kindness and effort helped me to get through this situation - and my faith in humanity was restored. There truly are angels among us and I was very blessed to be in the care of one and will remember Melissa forever. Thank you for being more than just my nurse, but also for having such a positive impact on my life.